Index of physics articles

Physics (Greek: physis–φύσις meaning "nature") is the natural science which examines basic concepts such as mass, charge, matter[1] and its motion and all that derives from these, such as energy, force and spacetime.[2] More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the world and universe behave.[3]

Articles related to physics include:

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZSee also


Abbe number - Absolute zero - Accelerating universe - Acceleration - Acoustic theory - Action (physics) - Active laser medium - Adiabatic process - Aether theory - Agrophysics - Aharonov–Bohm effect - Alcubierre metric - Alembert, Jean le Rond d' - Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich - Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta - Alpha particle - Alpher–Bethe–Gamow theory - Alvarez, Luis Walter - Amagat's law - Amorphous silicon - Ampere - Ampere model of magnetization - Ampère's law - Angular frequency - Angular momentum - Angular velocity - Annihilation operator - Antenna theory - Antiferromagnetism - Antimatter - Antiparticle - Application of tensor theory in engineering science - Applied mathematics - Applied physics - Archimedes' "mechanical method" - Area - Argand, Aimé - Argand, Jean-Robert - Arrhenius, Svante - Arrow of time - Aston, Francis William - Astronomy - Astrometry - Astrophysics - Atkinson, Robert - Atom - Atomic clock - Atomic electron transition - Atomic force microscopy - Atomic mass unit - Atomic nucleus - Atomic number - Atomic physics - International Atomic Time - Atomic units - Atomic weight - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics - Avogadro, Amedeo


Babinet's principle - Baez, John - Balmer, Johann - Balmer line - Bandgap - Bardeen, John - Barkla, Charles Glover - Barn (unit) - Barycenter - Baryon - Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich - BCS theory - Becquerel, Henri - Bednorz, J. Georg - Bekenstein, Jacob - Bell's inequality - Bell, John Stewart - Bernoulli, Daniel - Bernoulli, James - Bernoulli, Johann - Bernoulli's theorem - Berry phase - Bessel function - Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm - Beta particle - Bethe, Hans - Big Bang - Big Crunch - Binding energy - Binnig, Gerd - Biophysics - Biot-Savart law - Biot, Jean-Baptist - Bipolar transistor - Black body - Blackbody - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart - Black hole - Black hole thermodynamics - Bloch, Felix - Bloch spectrum - Bloembergen, Nicolaas - Bohm, David - Bohm interpretation - Bohr Einstein debate - Bohr model - Bohr radius - Bohr, Aage - Bohr, Niels - Boltzmann constant - Boltzmann, Ludwig - Born, Max - Boscovich, Rudjer Josip - Bose-Einstein condensate - Bose-Einstein statistics - Bose, Satyendra Nath - Boson - Bothe, Walther - Boussinesq approximation (buoyancy) - Boussinesq approximation (water waves) - Boyle's law - Boyle, Robert - Bradley, James - Bra-ket notation - Bragg's law - Bragg, Sir William Henry - Bragg, William Lawrence - Brattain, Walter Houser - Braun, Karl Ferdinand - Bravais lattice - Breaking wave - Brewster, David - Brewster's angle - Bridgman, Percy Williams - Briggs, Henry - Brockhouse, Bertram N. - Broglie, Louis-Victor de - Brownian motion - Bubble chamber - Bucket argument - Bullialdus, Ismael - Buoyancy


C-symmetry - Calabi–Yau manifold - Caloric theory - Candle - Canonical commutation relation - Canonical distribution - Capra, Fritjof - Carnot, Sadi - Cartesian coordinate system - Cartesian product - Casimir effect - Casimir, Hendrik - Cathode ray - Cathodoluminescence - Causality - Cavendish experiment - Cavendish, Henry - Celestial mechanics - Center of gravity - Center of mass - Centrifugal force - Centripetal force - Centroid - CERN - Chadwick, James - Chamberlain, Owen - Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan - Chandrasekhar limit - Charge - Charles' law - Charpak, Georges - Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich - Chemical potential - Cherenkov effect - Cherenkov-Vavilov effect - Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich - Chladni, Ernst - CHSH inequality - Chu, Steven - Circular dichroism - Circular motion - Circular polarization - Classical mechanics - Clapeyron, Émile - Clausius, Rudolf - Cloud chamber - Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas - Cockcroft, John - Coefficients of potential - Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude - Coherence length - Cold fusion - Collision - Color charge - Color force - Commutator - Complementary experiments - Compton, Arthur Holly - Compressible flow - Compton effect - Computational physics - Condensed matter physics - Conservation law - Conservation of energy - Conservation of mass - Conservation of momentum - Conservative force - Constitutive equation - Counterfactual definiteness - Continuity equation - Continuum mechanics - Continuum postulate - convection - Conversion of units - Cooper pair - Cooper, Leon Neil - Coordinate system - Copenhagen interpretation - Copernicus, Nicolaus - Coriolis effect - Coriolis force - Cornell, Eric A. - Corpuscular theory - Correspondence principle - Coulomb - Coulomb's law - CP-symmetry - CPT theorem - CPT-symmetry - Creation operator - Crookes radiometer - Cross section - Cryogenics - Crystal - Crystal optics - Crystal lattice - Crystal structure - Crystallography - Curie point - Curvature - Curvature form - Curve - Cyclic process - Cyclotron - Cyclotron radiation - Cylindrical coordinate - Cylindrical coordinate system - Czochralski process


Dalén, Nils Gustaf - Dalitz, Richard - Dalton, John - Dalton's law - Darcy–Weisbach equation - Dark exciton - Dark matter - Dark state - Davis Jr., Raymond - Davisson, Clinton Joseph - de Broglie, Louis-Victor - de Broglie wave - de Donder, Théophile - Debye, Peter - Debye length - Debye shielding - Decay mode - de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles - Defining equation (physics) - Degenerate matter - Dehmelt, Hans G. - Delbruck scattering - Density matrix - Density functional theory - Descartes, René - Deutsch, David - Dewar, James - DeWitt, Bryce - Diamagnetism - Dichroism - Dichromatism - Dielectric - Dielectric relaxation - Differential equations of mathematical physics - Differential geometry - Diffraction - Diffusion - Dimension - Dimensional analysis - Dimensionless number - Diode - Dipole - Dirac equation - Dirac, Paul - Direct bandgap - Dispersion relation - Dispersion (optics) - Displacement (vector) - Divergence theorem - Doppler effect - Doppler, Christiaan - Double pendulum - Double-slit experiment - Drift velocity - Dual space - Wave-particle duality - Duarte, Frank - Dulong-Petit law - Dye laser - Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) - Dynamical system - Dynamical systems and chaos theory - A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field - Dynamical variable - Dynamics - Dyson, Freeman


Earnshaw's theorem - Earth - Effective mass (spring-mass system) - Ehrenfest, Paul - Eigenvector - Einstein - Einstein field equations - Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann equations - Einstein notation - Einstein shift - Einstein, Albert - Elasticity - Electric charge - Electric field - Electric field screening - Electrical charge - Electrical circuit - Electrical conductance - Electrical conduction - Electrical conductivity - Electrical dipole - Electrical energy - Electrical engineering - Electrical force - Electrical generator - Electrical length - Electrical monopole - Electrical network - Electrical phenomenon - Electrical potential - Electrical quadrupole - Electrical resistance - Electrical resistivity - Electricity - Electrodynamics - Electroluminescence - Electromagnetic field - Electromagnetic induction - Electromagnetic radiation - Electromagnetic spectrum - Electromagnetism - Electromotive force - Electron - Electron configuration - Electron hole - Electron microscope - Electron volt - Electronic transition - Electronics - Electronuclear force - Electrostatic discharge - Electrostatics - Electroweak force - Electroweak theory - Elementary charge - Ellipsoid - Elliptical polarization - Ellis, Charles Drummond - Emergent complexity - Empiricism - Empirical research - Energy - Energy conversion efficiency - Energy level - Engineering - Enthalpy - Entropy - Eotvos, Loránd - EPR paradox - Equation of motion - Equation of state - Equations of state/History - Equipartition theorem - Esaki, Leo - Essential singularity - Eternity - Euclid - Euclidean space - Euler, Leonhard - Euler angles - Event horizon - Everett many-worlds interpretation - Everett, Hugh - Examples of electrical phenomena - Exchange bias - Exchange particle - Exciton - Exotic atom - Exotic matter - Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) - Extensive variable - Extreme physical information


Faraday cage - Faraday constant - Faraday's laws of electrolysis - Faraday's law of induction - Faraday, Michael - Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel - Fast Fourier transform - Faster-than-light - Fermat's principle - Fermi energy - Fermi gas - Fermi liquid theory - Fermi paradox - Fermi–Dirac statistics - Fermi, Enrico - Fermi–Thomas screening wave vector - Fermion - Fermionic condensate - Ferroelectric effect - Ferromagnetism - Feynman diagram - Feynman, Richard - Fick's law of diffusion - Field (physics) - Fifth force - Fincke, Thomas - Finite difference - Finite element method - Fitch, Val Logsdon - FitzGerald, George Francis - FitzGerald–Lorentz Contraction - Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis - Fizeau–Foucault apparatus - Float zone process - Fluid dynamics - Fluid mechanics - Fokker–Planck equation - Forbidden line - Force (physics) - Force carrier - Force spectroscopy - Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon - Four-momentum - Fourier analysis - Fourier series - Fourier transform - Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph - Fowler, William Alfred - Frame of reference - Franck, James - Frank, Il'ja Mikhailovich - Franklin, Benjamin - Fraunhofer, Joseph von - Fraunhofer diffraction - Fraunhofer line - Free energy - Fredkin Finite Nature Hypothesis - Free electron gas - Free-electron laser - Free space loss - Frequency - Fresnel, Augustin-Jean - Fresnel diffraction - Fresnel equations - Fresnel zone - Friction - Friedman, Jerome I. - Fundamental force - Fundamental particle - Furth, Harold - Fusion


G force - Gabor, Dennis - Galilean relativity - Galilean–Newtonian relativity - Galilean invariance - Galilean transformation - Galilei, Galileo - Galvanometer - Gamma ray - Gamow, George - Gamow factor - Gas mechanics - Gas - Gaseous dielectrics - Gas laws - Gauge boson - Gauge invariance - Gauge theory - Gauge transformation - Gauss - Gauss's law - Gauss, Carl Friedrich - Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis - Gay-Lussac's law - Gee - Geiger-Marsden experiment - Gell-Mann, Murray - General relativity - Geodesic - Geometer - Geometers - Geometrized units - Geophysics - GHZ experiment - Giacconi, Riccardo - Giaever, Ivar - Gibbs, Willard - Gibbs paradox - Glaser, Donald Arthur - Glashow, Sheldon Lee - Gluon - Goeppert-Mayer, Maria - Graham's law - Grand unification theory - Grandfather paradox - Gravitational binding energy - Gravitational constant - Gravitational force - Gravitational red shift - Gravitational singularity - Gravitational wave - Gravitoelectromagnetism - Graviton - Gravity - Gravity Probe A - Gravity Probe B - Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit - Grimaldi, Francesco Maria - Ground state - Group delay - Group transformation - Group velocity - Guillaume, Charles Edouard - Gyrocompass - Gyroscope


Hadron - Hadronization - Hagen, Gotthilf - Hall, Edwin - Hartree–Fock Talk:Hartree–Fock - Hall effect - Halley, Edmund - William Rowan Hamilton - Hamilton, William Rowan - Hamilton-Jacobi equation - Hamiltonian - Hamiltonian mechanics - Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) - Harmonic oscillator - Hartree energy - Hawking, Stephen - Hawking radiation - Heat - Heat equation - Heaviside, Oliver - Heisenberg, Werner - Heisenberg, Werner Karl - Heisenberg's inequality - Hellmann–Feynman theorem - Helmholtz, Hermann von - Helmholtz coil - Hermite, Charles - Hermitian (disambiguation) - Hermitian adjoint - Hermitian operator - Hero of Alexandria - Henry, Joseph - Hertz, Gustav Ludwig - Hertz, Heinrich - Hess, Victor Franz - Hessian matrix - Hewish, Antony - Hidden variable theory - Higgs boson - Higgs field - Higgs mechanism - Higgs Boson - Higgs, Peter - High energy physics - High pressure physics - Hilbert space - History of physics - Hofstadter, Robert - Holography - Hooft, Gerardus 't - Hooke's law - Hooke, Robert - Houtermans, Fritz - Hückel, Erich - Hückel, Erich - Hull, Gordon Ferrie - Hume, David - Hydraulics - Hydromechanics - Hydrostatics - Huygens, Christiaan - Huygens' principle - hydraulics - Hydrodynamics - Hydrogen atom - Hydrostatic equilibrium - Hydrostatics - Hypercharge - Hyperfine structure - Hysteresis


Ideal gas - Ideal gas law - Ideally imperfect gas - Identical particles - Imaginary time - Impedance - Impulse (physics) - Incompressible flow - Indirect bandgap - Inertia - Inertial force - Inertial frame of reference - Infinite divisibility - Insulator - Intellectual history of time - Intensive variable - Interaction energy - Interatomic force - Interferometry - Intermolecular force - International Geophysical Year - Interpretation of quantum mechanics - Invariant (physics) - Inverse-square law - Iridescence - Isentropic process - Ising model - Isolated singularity - Isospin - Isotopic spin


Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jakob - Jacobian matrix and determinant - Jaynes, Edwin - Jellium - Jensen, J. Hans D. - Johnson-Nyquist noise - Josephson effect - Josephson, Brian David - Joule, James Prescott - Joule-Thomson effect - Joule's law


Kaluza–Klein theory - Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike - Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich - Kastler, Alfred - Kelvin - Kelvin, William Thomson, 1st Baron - Kelvin–Helmholtz instability - Kelvin probe force microscope - Kendall, Henry W. - Kendall, Henry W. - Kennedy–Thorndike experiment - Kepler, Johannes - Kerr metric Kerr metric - Ketterle, Wolfgang - Kilby, Jack S. - Kinematics - Kinetic energy - Kinetic theory - Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation - Kirchhoff's circuit laws - Kirchhoff, Gustav - Kirkendall effect - Klein paradox - Knife-edge effect - Kondo effect - Koshiba, Masatoshi - Kroemer, Herbert - Kusch, Polykarp


LADAR - Ladder operator - Langevin, Paul - Langevin equation - Lagrange, Joseph Louis - Lagrange bracket - Lagrange multipliers - Lagrangian - Lagrangian mechanics - Lagrangian point - Lamb, Willis Eugene - Lamb shift - Lambert, Johann Heinrich - Laminar flow - Landau, Lev Davidovich - Lande g-factor - Langmuir, Irving - Laplace operator - Laplace's equation - Laplace, Pierre Simon - Large Electron Positron - Large Hadron Collider - Laser - Laser applications - Laser construction - Laser diode - Laser science - Lattes, César - Laue, Max von - Laughlin, Robert B. - Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac - Law of conservation of energy - Law of heat conduction - Law of mass-energy conservation - Lawrence, Ernest Orlando - Laws of physics - Laws of thermodynamics - Lederman, Leon - Lederman, Leon M. - Lee, David M. - Lee, Tsung-Dao - Lenard, Philip von - Length - Length contraction - Josef Lense Josef Lense - Lense-Thirring effect - Heinrich Lenz - Lenz's law - Lepton - Lever - Leverage - Lever rule - LIDAR - Lie algebra - Lie group - Lie superalgebra - Lie, Sophus - Light - Likelihood - Likelihood-ratio test - Linear momentum - Linear motor - Linear operator - Linear polarization - Liouville operator - Lippmann, Gabriel - Liquid drop model - Liquid helium - Liquid mechanics - List of Common Physics Abbreviations - List of equations in classical mechanics - List of elementary physics formulae - List of important publications in physics - List of laws in science - List of letters used in mathematics and science - List of noise topics - List of physicists - List of physics topics - List of optical topics - List of scientific journals in physics - List of scientific units named after people - List of wave topics - Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich - Local coordinate system - Locality principle - Loop quantum gravity - Lorentz, Hendrik - Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction hypothesis - Lorentz force - Lorentz group - Lorentz–Poincaré group - Lorentz transformation - Lorentz transformation equations - Lorentzian relativity - Lucretius - Luminiferous aether - Luminosity - Lyman, Theodore


M-theory - M-theory simplified - Mach, Ernst - Mach's principle - Magnetic confinement - Magnetic dipole - Magnetic field - Magnetic flux - Magnetic levitation - Magnetic moment - Magnetic monopole - Magnetic permeability - Magnetic quadrupole - Magnetic resonance imaging - Magnetic susceptibility - Magnetism - Magnetodynamics - Magnetohydrodynamics - Magnetohydrodynamoic Generator - Magnetoresistance - Magnetostatics - Magnetostriction - Magnetron - Order of magnitude Magnitude (disambiguation page) - Magnitude comparison - Malus, Etienne-Louis - Mandelshtam, Leonid Isaakovich - Manhattan Project - Many-minds interpretation - Many-worlds interpretation - Marconi, Guglielmo - Mariotte, Edme - Maser - Mass - Mass (relativistic) - Mass-energy equivalence - Material equivalence - Material implication - Materials science - Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics - Mathematical descriptions of physical laws - Mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field - Mathematical physics - Matrix mechanics - Matter - Matter wave - Matteucci effect - Maupertuis' principle - Maxwell coil - Maxwell's demon - Maxwell's equations - Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - Maxwell, James - Mean free path - Measurement - Measurement problem - Measuring instruments - Mechanical advantage - Mechanical equilibrium Mechanical equilibrium - Mechanical wave Mechanical wave - Mechanics - Mechanics of fluids - Medical physics - Meissner effect - Meson - Mesonic atom - Metric space - Metric tensor - MHD generator - Michelson-Morley experiment - Michelson, Albert Abraham - Microcanonical distribution - Mie theory - Miller, Dayton C. - Millikan, Robert - Mills, Robert - Minkowski space - Minkowski, Hermann - Mobility - Modern physics - Modified Newtonian Dynamics - Molar mass - Molecular dynamics - Molecular physics - Molecule - Moment (physics) - Momentum - Moment of inertia - Morley, Edward - Mössbauer effect - Mössbauer, Rudolf Ludwig - Motion - Mott, Sir Nevill Francis - Mottelson, Ben Roy - Mpemba effect - Müller, Karl Alexander - Mulliken, Robert S. - Multipath interference - Muon - Muonium


N-body problem - Naked singularity - Natural science - Nature (journal) - Navier–Stokes equations - Néel, Félix - Neel temperature - Nernst, Walther - Neumann, John von - Neutrino - Neutrino mass - Neutrino oscillation - Neutron - Neutronium - Newton's bucket - Newton (force) - Newton's law of cooling - Newton laws of gravity. See gravity. - Newton's laws of motion - Newton, Isaac - Isaac Newton (in depth) - Newtonian fluid - Newtonian physics - Newtonian relativity - Newton's cannonball - Nichols, Ernest Fox - Nichols radiometer - Nobel Prize in Physics - No cloning theorem - Noether, Emmy - Noether's theorem - Non-critical string - Non-Euclidean geometry - Nonlinear Coulomb field - Non-linear dynamical system - Nonlinear optics - Non-Newtonian fluid - Novikov self-consistency principle - Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich - Nuclear chain reaction - Nuclear fission - Nuclear fusion - Nuclear magnetic resonance - Nuclear physics - Nucleon


Oersted - Ørsted, Hans Christian - Ohm, Georg - Ohm's law - Oil-drop experiment - Olber's paradox - Onsager, Lars - Operational calculus - Operator - Oppenheimer, Robert - Optical levitation - Optical spectrum - Optics - Optoelectronic - Orders of magnitude - Ørsted, Hans Christian - Orthogonal matrix - Orthonormal basis - Osheroff, Douglas D.


P-symmetry - Pake doublet - Parallel universe - Paramagnetism - Paraphysics - Pardies, Ignace - Parity (physics) - Parity law - Parity violation - Subatomic particle - Particle accelerator - Particle in a box - Particle in a one-dimensional lattice (periodic potential) - Particle in a ring - Particle physics - Particle radiation - Partition function (statistical mechanics) - Partition function (quantum field theory) - Pascal, Blaise - Paschen, Friedrich - Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics - Paul, Wolfgang - Pauli effect - Pauli matrices - Pauli exclusion principle - Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst - Pauling, Linus - Péclet, Jean Claude Eugène - Péclet number - Pelletron - Peltier effect - Pendulum - Pendulum (mathematics) - Penrose, Roger - Penzias, Arno Allan - Perfect gas - Perfect gas equation of state - Perl, Martin - Permeability - Permittivity - Perrin, Jean Baptiste - Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics) - Phase diagram - Phase of matter - Phase space - Phase transition - Phase velocity - Phasor (physics) - Phillips, William D. - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Phonon - Photoconductivity - Photodiode - Photoelectric effect - Photon - Physical chemistry - Physical constant - Physical experiment - Physical field - Physical information - Physical interaction - Physical law - Physical observation - Physical phenomenon - Physical quantity - Physical Science - Physical space - Physical state - Physical system - Physical theory - Physical unit - Physicist - Physics - PhysicsWeb - Physics basic topics - Pierre de Maricourt - Pion - Pionium - Planck's constant - Planck, Max - Planck's law - Planck's law of black body radiation - Plasma - Plasma equilibria and stability - Plasma physics - Plum pudding model - Podolsky, Boris - Poincaré group - Poincaré, Henri - Point group - Poiseuille's law - Poiseuille, Jean Louis Marie - Poisson, Siméon-Denis - Poisson bracket - Poisson's equation - Polar coordinates - Polariton - Polarization (waves) - Polarized light - Polymer physics - Population inversion - Positron - Positronium - Potential - Potential difference - Potential energy - Potential flow - Pouillet, Claude - Powell, Cecil Frank - Power - Power law - Power number - Poynting, John Henry - Poynting-Robertson effect - Prandtl number - Pressure - Principal quantum number - Principia Mathematica - Principle of equivalence - Principle of least action - Principle of locality - Principle of maximum entropy - Principle of relativity - Prism - Probability - Projection operator - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov - Propagation - Proper time - Proton - Proton decay - Prout, William - Pseudoscalar - Pseudovector - Purcell, Edward Mills


Quadrupole moment - Quantum electrodynamics - Quantization (physics) - Quantum - Quantum chaos - Quantum chemistry - Quantum chromodynamics - Quantum computer - Quantum cryptography - Quantum dots in living cells - Quantum electrodynamic - Quantum energy level - Quantum entanglement - Quantum field theory - Quantum flavordynamics - Quantum fluctuation - Quantum fluid - Quantum geometrodynamics - Quantum gravity - Quantum Hall effect - Quantum harmonic oscillator - Quantum immortality - Quantum information - Quantum leap (moved) - Quantum level - Quantum magnetodynamics - Quantum mechanics - Quantum neutrino field - Quantum number - Quantum string theory - Quantum suicide - Quantum superposition - Quantum tunneling - Quark - Quasi-set theory


Rabi, Isidor Isaac - Radiation - Radiation of sound - Radiation pressure - Radioactivity - Rainwater, Leo James - Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata - Raman scattering - Raman spectroscopy - Ramsauer-Townsend effect - Ramsey, Norman - Rayleigh scattering - Rayleigh's method of dimensional analysis - Rayleigh–Taylor instability - Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron - Reciprocal lattice - Reflection - Reflection coefficient - Refractive index - Redshift - Reines, Frederik - Relativity - Relativistic mass - Renormalization - Resistance - Resolution of the identity - Resonance - Rest mass - Reynolds, Osborne - Reynolds number - Ricci tensor - Richardson, Owen Willans - Richardson, Robert C. - Richardson number Richardson number - Richter, Burton - Richtmyer–Meshkov instability - Riemann, Bernhard - Riemannian geometry - Riemannian manifold - Ring wave guide - Robertson, Howard Percy - Rohrer, Heinrich - Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad - Rosen, Nathan - Rotation - Rotation group - Rotation operator - Rotational invariance - Rubbia, Carlo - Ruska, Ernst - Rutherford cross-section - Rutherford scattering - Rutherford, Ernest - Rydberg, Johannes - Ryle, Sir Martin


Sackur–Tetrode equation - Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich - Salam, Abdus - Salmeron, Roberto - Felix Savart - Scalar - Scalar field - Scanning tunneling microscope - Scattering - Schawlow, Arthur Leonard - Schenberg, Mário - Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit - Schrieffer, John Robert - Schrödinger equation - Schrödinger's cat - Schrödinger, Erwin - Schwartz, Melvin - Schwarzschild, Karl - Schwarzschild metric - Schwarzschild radius - Schwinger, Julian - Science - Science (journal) - Scientific method - Scientific journal - Scientific paper - Scientific revolution - Scientific skepticism - Scientific units named after people - Screened Coulomb potential - Second Superstring Revolution - Segrè, Emilio Gino - Self-adjoint operator - Semiconductor - Semiconductor device fabrication - Separability - Separable states - Shape of the universe - Shock wave - Shockley, William Bradford - Shull, Clifford G. - SI base unit - SI derived unit - SI prefix - Siphon - Siegbahn, Kai M. - Siegbahn, Manne - Simple harmonic motion - Relativity of simultaneity - Sine wave - Singular-value decomposition - Slater determinant - Slope - Snell's law - Snell, Willebrord - SO(3) - Solar cell - Solar neutrino problem - Solar power - Solenoid - Solid - Solid mechanics - Solid state physics - Soliton - Sommerfeld, Arnold - Sound - Space - Space group - Space-time - Spacetime - Special linear group - Special relativity - Specific gravity - Spectral line - Spectroscope - Spectroscopy - Optical spectrum - Spectrum of a matrix - Spectrum of an operator - Speed - Speed of gravity - Speed of light - Spherical coordinate system - Spherical geometry - Spin (physics) - Spin density wave - Spin glass - Spin network - Spin stabilized magnetic levitation - Spin wave - Spin-statistics theorem - Spinor - Spinor field - Spontaneous symmetry breaking - Spontaneous magnetization - Standard Model - Stark, Johannes - Stark effect - Statcoulomb - Statics - Statistical Mechanics - Statistical physics - Statistics - Stefan–Boltzmann constant - Stefan–Boltzmann law - Stefan electromagnetic equation - Stefan flow - Stefan force - Stefan, Jožef - Stefan, Joseph - Steinberger, Jack - Stern, Otto - Stevin, Simon - Stewart-Walker lemma - Stokes, George Gabriel - Stokes' law - Stokes parameters - Störmer, Horst L. - Strange matter - Strangeness - Stress–energy tensor - String (physics) - String theory - Strnad, Janez - Strong interaction - Strong nuclear force - SU(2) - SU(3) - Subatomic particle - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory - Sun - Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect - Super-Kamiokande - Superconducting Super Collider - Superconductivity - Superconductor - Superfluidity - Supergravity - Superparamagnetism - Superposition principle - Superstring theory - Supersymmetry - Surface tension - Symmetric matrix - Symmetric tensor - Symmetry - Synchrotron - Synchrotron light - Synchrotron radiation - Szilárd, Leó


T-duality - T-symmetry - Tachyon - Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich - Tau lepton - Taylor series - Taylor, Brook - Taylor, Richard E. - Taylor number - Teller, Edward - Temperature - Tension (mechanics) - Tensor - Tensor-classical - Tensor product - Tesla - Tesla coil - Tesla, Nikola - Theoretical astrophysics - Theoretical chemistry - Theoretical physics - Theory - Theory of everything - Theory of invariants - Theory of relativity - Thermal conductance - Thermal conductivity - Thermal neutron - Thermodynamic properties - Thermodynamic potentials - Thermodynamics - Thermoelectric effect - Thirring, Hans - Thomas precession - Thompson, Benjamin - Thomson, George Paget - Thomson, Joseph John - Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) - Thought experiment - Tide - Tidal acceleration - Tidal force - Tidal locking - Time - Time dilation - Time invariance - Time travel - Timeline of classical mechanics - Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics - Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity - Timeline of nuclear fusion - Timeline of other background radiation fields - Timeline of particle physics - Timeline of particle physics technology - Timeline of physics - Timeline of atomic and subatomic physics - Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions - Timeline of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and random processes - Ting, Samuel Chao Chung - Theory of everything - Tokamak - Luttinger liquid - Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro - Topological group - Topology of the universe - Torque - Torricelli, Evangelista - Torsion (mechanics) - Torsion subgroup - Townes, Charles Hard - Transfer function - Transition rule - Transistor - Translation (physics) - Translational invariance - Transpose - Tsui, Daniel C. - Turbulence - Turbulent flow - Twin paradox


U(1) - Ultraviolet catastrophe - Uncertainty principle - Undulatory theory of light - Unicity distance - Unified field theory - Unit cell - Unitary group - Unitary matrix - Unitary operator - Universal gas equation - Unsolved problems in physics


Vacuum - Vacuum expectation value - Van de Graaff generator - van der Meer, Simon - van der Waals, Johannes - van der Waals equation - van Vleck, John Hasbrouck - Variables commonly used in physics - Vector (geometric) - Vector calculus - Vector field - Vector space - Vehicle dynamics - Velocity - Veltman, Martinus J. G. - Vibrating string - Vibration - Villari effect - Virial equation of state - Virtual force - Virtual particle - Viscosity - Volta, Alessandro - von Klitzing, Klaus - von Weizsäcker, Carl


W and Z bosons - W boson - Wallis, John - Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton - Walton, Thomas - Ward, John Clive - Wave - Wave equation - Wave–particle duality - Wavefunction - Wavefunction collapse - Wavelength - Wavenumber - Weak decay - Weak force - Weak interaction - Weak nuclear force - weber - Weber, Wilhelm - Weber, Wilhelm Eduard - Weight - Weightlessness - Weinberg, Steven - Weisskopf, Victor - Weyl, Hermann - Weyl's postulate - Weyl tensor - Wiedemann effect - Wieman, Carl E. - Wick product - Wick rotation - Wien's displacement law - Wien, Wilhelm - Wigner, Eugene - Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees - Wilson, Kenneth G. - Wilson, Robert Woodrow - Witten, Edward - Woods, Leona - Worldline


X-ray - X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) - X-ray crystallography - X-ray diffraction - X-ray fluorescence - X-ray structure


Yang, Chen Ning - Yang–Mills theory - Young, Thomas - Young's modulus - Yukawa, Hideki


Z boson - Zeeman effect - Zeeman, Pieter - Zernike, Frits - Zero-point energy - Zitterbewegung motion - Zone melting - Zweig, George


  1. ^ R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands (1963), The Feynman Lectures on Physics, ISBN 0-201-02116-1 Hard-cover. p.1-1 Feynman begins with the atomic hypothesis, as his most compact statement of all scientific knowledge: "If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations ..., what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is ... that all things are made up of atoms–little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another. ..." vol. I p. I–2
  2. ^ James Clerk Maxwell (1878), Matter and Motion. New York: D. Van Nostrand. p.1: "Nature of Physical Science–Physical science is that department of knowledge which relates to the order of nature." | accessdate=2008-11-04
  3. ^ H.D. Young & R.A. Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics: 11th Edition: International Edition (2004), Addison Wesley. Chapter 1, section 1.1, page 2 has this to say: "Physics is an experimental science. Physicists observe the phenomena of nature and try to find patterns and principles that relate these phenomena. These patterns are called physical theories or, when they are very well established and of broad use, physical laws or principles."
    Steve Holzner, Physics for Dummies (2006), Wiley. Chapter 1, page 7 says: "Physics is the study of your world and the world and universe around you." See Amazon Online Reader: Physics For Dummies (For Dummies(Math & Science)), retrieved 24 Nov 2006

See also